

S. L. Reithel

Lover of aviation, medicine, video games, nature, and fiction, she will debut with her first novel, Hotel Neverland.

She discovered her love of writing at the end of high school and began drafting Hotel Neverland in her first year of college.

When not writing, she loves traveling to find new adventures, discovering new food to try, cooking or baking something (hopefully) good, tending to her many houseplants, or frequenting her local coffee shop, scheming up her next novel.

She currently resides in Western New York.


Wrote my first story with a friend. It was about two magic cats, an evil witch, and riddled with so many spelling errors neither of my parents could read it.

Wrote various creative writing pieces for classes and assignments. These included English class writing prompts, creating alternate endings to classic novels, and exploring whatever else my imagination came up with.

Daydreamed of stories and characters and plotlines. Decided to begin working on my own original story.

Finished the draft of that original story. Had so many plot holes I put it down and am planning on coming back to it in the future.

Began working on Hotel Neverland in bits and pieces. Nothing had a logical sequence or followed an actual plotline.

Had the confidence to join my first Writer’s Guild. They critiqued the prologue of Hotel Neverland and gave me the confidence and advice to finish the book and pursue self-publishing.

Finished the draft of Hotel Neverland!!

Manuscript sent out to Beta Readers! Awaiting and applying feedback.

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Writing isn't always easy. Plots are never straightforward. Yet, somehow at the end of the day when everything finally comes together I realize it is worth it.

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